The Speculation Group Subscription

The Speculation Group is available to a group of traders who receive daily technical trading ideas and information on the ALSI (futures instrument for the Top 40 index) and CFDs via SMS and email.

Limited membership of the Speculation Group offers ready access to Frans and Christelle via the chat functionality Hangouts, allowing members to pose technical questions direct to Frans or Christelle throughout the day.

The Speculation Group receives a daily newsletter, the Speculation View that analyses and discusses the daily graph on the ALSI (futures instrument for the Top 40 index).

In addition, the Speculation Group receives the Candle of the Day and the Saturday weekly Newsletter discussed under the Candle of the Day subscription.


The monthly subscription fee is R2 500 and is payable in advance before the seventh of the month.

Please feel free to contact Christelle about the various trading platforms and the costs involved. Training on using these platforms is provided free of charge.